Wednesday 8th May 2024

It is not our circumstances that create our discontent or contentment. It is us. Change your attitude!
~ Vivian Greene 


This is the day the LORD has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
~ Psalm 118:24


Extracted from Spiritual Thoughts            


Thought for the Week - Jacquie Peal.  

May 02, 2024

We had a beautiful walk up to Chanctonbury Ring this morning. Starting from the Chanctonbury Ring Road car park we walked steeply up through the woods and then gently up along the top of the Downs to Chanctonbury Ring itself. There we stopped and sat on the conveniently placed logs for a drink of water and a long look at the view across the Weald.
It was a perfect late April morning of breezy sunshine and long views.
It was made even better by a new app I have put on my phone that identifies the birds around you just by their songs. For instance, we knew that we were listening to blackbirds, robins, a wren etc., but we didn't know that we were also listening to a black cap, a small and beautiful bird but not one that is often seen. In fact it is amazing how many birds we can often 'see' around us when we stop focussing on seeing and use our ears instead!
Nature, the natural world, Creation, engages all our senses - we can taste the salt on the wind, feel the wind in our hair, smell the delicate scent of bluebells, hear the birdsongs and see, with wonder, the stars.
Like all creation, as the psalmist says, we are "fearfully and beautifully made" .
"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." ( Ps. 139 v 14)
With love 
Jacquie xx
If you would like to help populate this page with brief but uplifting contributions, please send suggestions to:
 Charles Hadley.
It could be a proverb, a Bible text, an anecdote, a snippet of good news…Max length 75 words.