Friday 7th Feb 2025


You cannot change the past, BUT you can ruin the present by worrying about the future.
~ Anonymous 


In God, whose word I praise, in God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid. What can mere man do to me?
~ Psalm 56:4 (quoted in Hebrews13:6)


Extracted from Spiritual Thoughts            


Thought for the Week - Jacquie Peal.  

6 February 2025

Oh, but that was good!!
For the first time since Christmas, what with 'flu' and the weather, we have had a walk on the Downs this morning and for the first time away from our usual walk in Sandgate woods, Tikki went off the lead. It was in a firmly fenced area so that we knew she could not go too far but, Oh!, did she enjoy her little freedom, sniffing, scraping and greeting other dogs - the bigger, the better!
It was a beautiful, soft, blue-gold morning with buzzards and kites in Spring mood soaring and displaying to each other in the clear air and gliders beginning to take to the skies.
Spring is in the air, new life is stirring, the fields are just beginning to blush a gentle green and the wildlife is beginning to look to the future.
We too at St Mary's have started our 'Spring' with Jonathan's Licensing last Sunday. What sort of Summer, what sort of harvest will our Spring lead to? What will God bring to fruit from this new phase in our parish life? As the old saying goes, "Only God knows and he ain't tellin'!"
God DOES know what he wants from and for us but it is up to us to work with him and Jonathan to bring his plans to fruition. Nothing is going to get done by sitting back and waiting for 'him', (God or Jonathan!) or 'them' or anyone else to do something - we and Jonathan together are the hands, feet and mouth of God, so if we don't do whatever it is, no one else will.
May God bless Jonathan and us in this new phase of our lives as he blessed Kathryn's and Malcolm's ministries and those who went before them over the last 1,000 years .....
Spring is springing - new life and growth are in the air: God has us in his hand.
I wonder where he is leading us?.........

With love and hope,
Jacquie xx

If you would like to help populate this page with brief but uplifting contributions, please send suggestions to:
 Charles Hadley.
It could be a proverb, a Bible text, an anecdote, a snippet of good news…Max length 75 words.